Professional carpentry services for companies and individual customers


Production of furniture fronts, decorative elements and grilles

Zagiven: “Project regarding maintaining the ability to work throughout the entire period of professional activity” implemented in 2023 as part of co-financing the activities of the contribution payer to improve occupational health and safety – competition no. 2022.01

Project title: “REDUCTION OF EMPLOYEES’ EXPOSURE TO DUST AGENTS, competition 2023.01”

Project goal

Reducing the level of exposure to dust factors arising from the processing of wood and wood-based materials by installing a professional extraction system.

Subject of the project

Purchase of a dust removal system and its installation in the production hall.

Target user group

Employees working in the production hall, in particular people processing wood and wood-based materials.

Effects of implementing actions

Reducing the risk of respiratory diseases.

Overall improvement in the sense of comfort, health and safety conditions in the work environment.

Reduced employee fatigue by limiting the inhalation of polluted air.

“total project value” is the entire amount (including VAT) for everything that is in the application budget AFTER CHANGES – WHAT IS SUBJECT TO FUNDING (investment PLN 285,029.99, ORZ PLN 615.00, RESEARCH PLN 922.50) – PLN 286,567.49 PLN, and the amount of funding is what results from the contract with ZUS (PLN 216,135.85).


We operate throughout the country

The area of our activity is not only Radomsko and the surrounding towns of Łódź, Częstochowa, Piotrków Trybunalski or Katowice, but also the whole country.

We operate throughout Poland and Europe

Białystok Bydgoszcz Gdańsk Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Łódź Olsztyn Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Warszawa Wrocław Zielona Góra

Excellent location

We are located in central Poland, right next to the junction for the A1 motorway in the Lodz Special Economic Zone